Should you employ a company to do it for you or purchase the supplies and do it yourself? Is doing it yourself really more cost-effective?
Whether you’re preparing for an outdoor gathering, looking for a big yard your children will love, or aiming to have the most appealing lawn on the block, the goal remains the same: to have a healthy, green, and weed-free lawn. Deciding where to concentrate your time and money to achieve a healthy lawn can be daunting. Should you employ a company to do it for you or purchase the supplies and do it yourself? Is doing it yourself really more cost-effective?
For those who prefer to do it themselves, there are numerous options available. Lawn care supplies can be found in most stores and garden centers, providing a variety of fertilizers, insecticides, and weed control products. When shopping for a product, it’s essential not to overlook the product label. Each product includes comprehensive instructions on how to mix and apply the product.
Product labels can be difficult to understand for those who want to apply fertilizer on their own. It’s critical to comprehend what the numbers on the label indicate so that you can not only mix it correctly but also ensure that you’re applying the substance at the right rate and at the right time. This might be the difference between obtaining the outcomes you want and not.
If you’re going to spend your time applying the products yourself, you want to ensure that you’re not wasting your time and resources!
Employing a lawn care business frees up time for you to do the things you enjoy. Although fertilizing your own lawn may have been the goal, it frequently evolves into a laborious and time-consuming task. By engaging a professional, you won’t have to worry about which products to use based on the time of year, how long to wait until your next application, or how to diagnose an issue you may be seeing on the lawn. Lawn technicians are not only trained to apply the products correctly, resulting in better outcomes, but they are also trained to diagnose and solve issues on the lawn.
The biggest downside to hiring a lawn care firm is likely the cost per application (or per visit). Depending on the size of your lawn, it may seem beyond your budget, but it can also be argued that doing it yourself can end up being more expensive if you make costly errors and need to buy additional products to correct them.
Currently, fertilizer prices have risen significantly, which might be referred to as shrinkflation. Shrinkflation occurs when products become smaller in weight, size, or quantity, while the price remains the same or increases.
For instance, a 40-pound bag of fertilizer that claims to treat 12,000 square feet may now cost around $80. In the past, this same 40-pound bag of fertilizer might have cost $60 and was said to cover 10,000 square feet. The rate at which you apply your product is decreasing while the price is increasing.
Fertilizing your lawn on your own may seem like the more cost-effective option, but when you compare prices, the rate of application, the risks of doing it incorrectly, and your time, doing it yourself may no longer be the best or most straightforward alternative. We understand the typical reasons why some individuals want to handle their lawn care themselves, but we also understand the frustration that may come with doing so, and in the end, you may not save much money. Hiring a professional lawn care firm can relieve you of time and stress. If you want a quote, call Sunshine Lawn and Pest Professionals at (937) 476-1992 for a free estimate today!